Product Details
- Boa Mask, Democratic Republic of Congo #839
- Measurements: 32 x 33 x 12 cm
- Condition:Excellent
- The BoaEthnic Groupcomprises 200,000 savannah-dwelling People living in the northern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). Each Village is headed by a Chief from the most Prestigious Clan. The Boa are mainly farmers and are in frequent contact with the Mangbetu and the Zande. The Boa are known principally for their Masks, believed to be used in War-related Ceremonies, particularly to enhance a Warrior’s Courage or to celebrate Victories. The Masks traditionally feature set-apart circular cut-out ears and are covered with white, red and black pigments.
Baquart, Jean-Baptiste. The Tribal Arts of Africa. New York: Thames and Hudson Inc. 1998. Print.